Observing at Skyhound



Deep Sky   Comet Chasing   Observing Handbook   Meet the Skyhound   Contact

Welcome to Observing at Skyhound

The History of Skyhound

This site began as the Skyhound Observing Pages back in 1999.  It was associated with my software business that went by the name of CapellaSoft.  Eventually I changed the name of my business to Skyhound, leaving the name of these pages--my personal observing pages--entangled with the business name.  My eventual solution was to relaunch these pages as Observing at Skyhound.

Our New Layout

The site is navigated via the links at the top of each page.  I have broken the observing articles into two sections, for deep sky and for the solar system (shallow sky).  These sections will offer periodic feature articles, monthly observing info, and links to archived articles.

The Comet Chasing page remains a resource for comet observing each month.  I hope people will find the articles in the observing handbook to be useful; additional articles are welcome.  Perhaps, in time, we may add a forum.


Observing Links

Adventures in Deep Space

SkyView Virtual Telescope

NED Extragalactic Database

SIMBAD Astr.  Database

Astronomical Headlines (IAU)

Bright Supernovae

AAVSO (Variable Stars)

ALPO (moon and planets)

Heavens Above (Satellites)

Clear Sky Chart

CloudyNights Forum

Breaking Sky News Blog

Sky & Telescope

Software Reviews