In a constellation literally teaming with galaxies (there are no fewer than 11 Messier galaxies here) it is easy to stray off the beaten path. NGC 4762 is an interesting edge-on galaxy that is often overlooked among such riches. This galaxies main claim to fame was its appearance in the article Edge-on Galaxies of the Spring Sky in the April 1996 Sky & Telescope, by Tom Polakis. At the telescope, don't miss the nearby NGC 4754, an example of a very similar galaxy at a much different orientation. These galaxies appear to be interacting (note the extended envelopes to either end of NGC 4762 in the image below).
I first observed NGC 4762 in the spring of 2001 in my 18-inch f/4.5 Dob. Here are my notes: Another great edge-on find! This one reminded me of the first object of the night, NGC 3044. It appears as a very thin line of light with a slight thickening in the middle. In the same 97x field lies the nearby NGC 4754, another barred Lenticular, this time 12th mag and of intermediate orientation. NGC 4754 appeared as a diffuse round glow. The field in a 6-inch at 50x. North is down and east is to the right. |